This a selection of projects made in Bennett Foddy's class Prototype Studio at the NYU Game Center.
One game a week, over the course of a semester we created small Prototypes with different prompts.
My first experience of getting hurt and writing shaders.
A game about multitasking and killing things with annoying sounds.
A simple and meditative pattern recognition exercise.
Seeds is a turn based massive offline local multiplayer game about a society, collectively competing to reach a higher goal.
Some players have to lay the ground work, they will not have any more agency later on but their efforts will grow and help following generations.
We were given a "trash can" full of random 3D objects, pictures, sounds, texts and other assets and had to make a game out of it.
So naturally I accumulated the random things to a game where you are controlling a flock of fish to clean up a golden toilet from dirty jewelery.
This personal promt was probably assigned to me because most of my other projects were not targeted towards stereotypical dads.
So I thought of an activity that my father is enthusiastic about and came up with a game about anchoring a sailing boat.